Tanaska Raicha St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица Танаска Рајића)

Street ID: 803138000049

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Танаска Рајића (Serbian) 1944 — today
Lessing Gasse (German) 1941 — 1944 Постер - Gassen und Straßennamеn der Stadt Pantschowa source
Танаска Рајића (Serbian) 1921 — 1941 Лист „Панчевац“ год. 3. бр. 40 од 9.10.1921. source
Дамјанићева (Serbian) 1918 — 1921
Damjanics Gasse (German)
Damjanics utcza (Hungarian)
Дамјанићева (Serbian)
1891 — 1918 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
без назива пре 1891 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Танаска Рајића, Panchevo

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Person / object

Atanasije Rajić, known by his nickname Tanasko (Танаско), was a Serbian vojvoda (commander) and revolutionary, the barjaktar (flag-bearer) in the First Serbian Uprising led by Karađorđe against the Ottoman Empire, and the captain in Obrenović's Second Serbian Uprising, during which he died (1815).

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.


You can find all buildings in Panchevo and other settlements on page Buildings.