Prote Vase Zhivkovicha St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица Проте Васе Живковића)

Street ID: 803138000003

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Проте Васе Живковића (Serbian) 1944 — today
Peter Rosegger Gasse
(Петера Розегера)
1941 — 1944 Постер - Gassen und Straßennamеn der Stadt Pantschowa source
Проте Васе Живковића (Serbian) 1923 — 1941
Чика Љубина (Serbian) 1921 — 1923 Лист „Панчевац“ год. 3. бр. 40 од 9.10.1921. source
Маријина (Serbian) 1918 — 1921
Maria Gasse (German)
Mária utcza (Hungarian)
Маријина (Serbian)
1891 — 1918 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
без назива пре 1891 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Проте Васе Живковића, Panchevo

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Person / object

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Public domain

Vasilije "Vasa" Živković (1819–1891) was a Serbian poet and Orthodox priest. He is highly regarded in Serbian culture for his role in collecting verses from oral traditions of his people. His literary opus sustained only half of his poems to be printed since he was prone to self-criticism. His contemporaries were poets Jovan Ilić, father of Vojislav Ilić, Stevan Vladislav Kačanski, and many others.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.

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