Bratstva yedinstva St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица братства-јединства)

Street ID: 803138000276

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Братства — јединства (Serbian)
Testvériség-Egység utca (Hungarian)
2019 — today Сл. лист града Панчева 16/2019 source
Братства-јединства (Serbian) 2019 — 2019 Сл. лист града Панчева 8/2019 source
Братства — јединства (Serbian)
Testvériség-Egység utca (Hungarian)
1968 — 2019
Спољна Петефијева (Serbian) пре 1968
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица братства-јединства, Panchevo

You can find this street/square in online maps:

Yandex maps

Google Maps

Person / object

Brotherhood and unity was a popular slogan of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia that was coined during the Yugoslav People's Liberation War (1941–45), and which evolved into a guiding principle of Yugoslavia's post-war inter-ethnic policy. In Slovenia, the slogan "Brotherhood and Peace" was used in the beginning.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.


You can find all buildings in Panchevo and other settlements on page Buildings.