Voivode Zhivoina Mishicha St. Omolyitsa (Serbia)

(Улица војводе Живојина Мишића)

Street ID: 803120000831

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Војводе Живојина Мишића (Serbian) ? — today
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица војводе Живојина Мишића, Omolyitsa

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Person / object

Živojin Mišić was a field marshal who participated in all of Serbia's wars from 1876 to 1918. He directly commanded the First Serbian army in the Battle of Kolubara and in breach of the Thessaloniki Front was the Chief of the Supreme Command. He is the most decorated Serbian military officer in history.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.


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