Urosha Predicha St. Omolyitsa (Serbia)

(Улица Уроша Предића)

Street ID: 803120000822

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Уроша Предића (Serbian) 2004 — today Сл. лист општине Панчево 5/2004 source
7. јула (Serbian) пре 2004
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Уроша Предића, Omolyitsa

You can find this street/square in online maps:

Yandex maps

Person / object

The original uploader was Бошко at Serbian Wikipedia.
CC BY 3.0 rs

Uroš Predić was a Serbian Realist painter. Along with Paja Jovanović and Đorđe Krstić, he is considered the most important Serbian painter of realism. Predić is best remembered for his early works, in which he depicted the "real" life of ordinary people. Later, he made a great contribution in church painting and portraits. Predić's opus includes a total of 1658 works.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.