Ivanovachka St. Omolyitsa (Serbia)

(Ивановачка улица)

Street ID: 803120011115

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Ивановачка (Serbian) ? — today
Табла са називом улице/трга — Ивановачка улица, Omolyitsa

You can find this street/square in online maps:

Yandex maps

Person / object

Ivanovo is a city in Russia. It is the administrative center and largest city of Ivanovo Oblast, located 254 kilometers (158 mi) northeast of Moscow and approximately 100 kilometers (62 mi) from Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. Ivanovo has a population of 361,644 as of the 2021 Census, making it the 50th largest city in Russia. Until 1932, it was previously known as Ivanovo-Voznesensk. It is the youngest city of the Golden Ring of Russia.

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