Dimitria Tutsovicha St. Kacharevo (Serbia)

(Улица Димитрија Туцовића)

Street ID: 803111000732

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Димитрија Туцовића (Serbian)
Димитрие Туцовиќ (Macedonian)
2019 — today Сл. лист града Панчева 8/2019 source
Димитрија Туцовића (Serbian) пре 2019
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Димитрија Туцовића, Kacharevo

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Person / object

Unknown authorUnknown author
Public domain

Dimitrije "Mita" Tucović was a Serbian theorist of the socialist movement, politician, writer and publisher. He was founder of the Serbian Social Democratic Party.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.