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73 Dimitria Tutsovicha St. Panchevo
Building ID: 200203803138
Address: 73 Dimitria Tutsovicha St.
Settlement: Panchevo
Cadastral municipality: Panchevo
Cadastral parcels: 3854
Country: Serbia
Ова зграда је непокретно културно добро.
Категорија: immovable cultural property of exceptional importance
Број у централном регистру: СК 1051 (link)
Address: 73 Dimitria Tutsovicha St.
Settlement: Panchevo
Cadastral municipality: Panchevo
Cadastral parcels: 3854
Country: Serbia
Ова зграда је непокретно културно добро.
Категорија: immovable cultural property of exceptional importance
Број у централном регистру: СК 1051 (link)
Data on the cadastral parcel and the cadastral municipality were taken from the Codebook of house numbers on December 7, 2020 from the Open Data Portal (published by the Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia).