Svetozara Mileticha St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица Светозара Милетића)

Street ID: 803138000011

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Светозара Милетића (Serbian) 1944 — today
Hindenburg Gasse
1941 — 1944 Постер - Gassen und Straßennamеn der Stadt Pantschowa source
(др) Светозара Милетића (sr) 1921 — 1941 Лист „Панчевац“ год. 3. бр. 40 од 9.10.1921. source
Српска (Serbian) 1918 — 1921
Serben Gasse (German)
Szerb utcza (Hungarian)
Српска (Serbian)
1891 — 1918 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Flaschen Gasse (German) пре 1891 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Светозара Милетића, Panchevo

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Person / object

Stevan Jovanović
Public domain

Svetozar Miletić was a Serbian lawyer, journalist, author and politician who served as the mayor of Novi Sad between 1861 and 1862 and again from 1867 to 1868.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.

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You can find all buildings in Panchevo and other settlements on page Buildings.