Moshe Piyade St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица Моше Пијаде)

Street ID: 803138000001

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Моше Пијаде (Serbian) 1958 — today
Београдска (Serbian) 1951 — 1958 Записник — градски народни одбор 28.8.1951. source
Црвеноармејска (Serbian) 1946 — 1951 Постер - Градски народни одбор Панчево 1946 source
Саве Текелије (Serbian) 1944 — 1946
Befreiungs Straße
1941 — 1944 Постер - Gassen und Straßennamеn der Stadt Pantschowa source
Саве Текелије (Serbian) 1921 — 1941 Лист „Панчевац“ год. 3. бр. 40 од 9.10.1921. source
Текелијева (Serbian) 1918 — 1921
Tökölyi Gasse (German)
Tokoly utcza (Hungarian)
Текелијева (Serbian)
1891 — 1918 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Birn und Anker Gasse (German) пре 1891
Pfau Gasse (German) 1855 План Панчева (1855) source
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Моше Пијаде, Panchevo

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Person / object

Unknown authorUnknown author
Public domain

Moša Pijade, was a Serbian and Yugoslav painter, journalist, Communist Party politician, World War II participant, and a close collaborator of Josip Broz Tito. He was the full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. During the Interwar period in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Pijade was an accomplished painter, but spent almost 15 years in prison because of his communist activity. He took active role in the People's Liberation War and was one of main leaders of the Partisans. After the WWII and creation of socialist Yugoslavia, he became a prominent politician and was the President of the Federal Parliament from 1954 until his death.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.

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