Dositeya Obradovicha St. Panchevo (Serbia)

(Улица Доситеја Обрадовића)

Street ID: 803138000159

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Доситеја Обрадовића (Serbian) ? — today
Доситејева (Serbian) 1944 — ?
Horst Wessel Gasse
(Хорста Весела)
1941 — 1944 Постер - Gassen und Straßennamеn der Stadt Pantschowa source
Доситејева (Serbian) 1921 — 1941
Контумачка (Serbian) 1918 — 1921
Contumaz Gasse (German)
Contumaz utcza (Hungarian)
Контумачка (Serbian)
1891 — 1918 Лист „Donau-Temes-Bote“ бр. 17 од 26.2.1891. source
Magazin Landungs Platz (German) пре 1891
Contumaz Gasse (German) 1855 План Панчева (1855) source
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Доситеја Обрадовића, Panchevo

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Person / object

Arsa Teodorovic (d. 1826)
Public domain

Dositej Obradović was a Serbian writer, biographer, diarist, philosopher, pedagogue, educational reformer, linguist, polyglot and the first minister of education of Serbia. An influential protagonist of the Serbian national and cultural renaissance, he advocated Enlightenment and rationalist ideas, while remaining a Serbian patriot and an adherent of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The data was downloaded from Wikipedia using Wikidata.


You can find all buildings in Panchevo and other settlements on page Buildings.