Ive Lole Ribara St. Ivanovo (Serbia)

(Улица Иве Лоле Рибара)

Street ID: 803090000607

Old names

Name Period Dokument
Иве Лоле Рибара (Serbian)
Ulca Ive Lole Ribárá (Bulgarian)
Ivo Lola Ribar utca (Hungarian)
? — today
Табла са називом улице/трга — Улица Иве Лоле Рибара, Ivanovo

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Person / object

Unknown authorUnknown author
Public domain

Ivan Ribar, known as Ivo Lola or Ivo Lolo, was a Yugoslav communist politician and military leader of Croatian descent. In the 1930s, he became one of the closest associates of Josip Broz Tito, leader of the Yugoslav Communist Party. In 1936, Ribar became secretary of the Central Committee of SKOJ. During World War II in Yugoslavia, Ribar was among the main leaders of the Yugoslav Partisans and was a member of the Partisan Supreme Headquarters. During the war, he founded and ran several leftist youth magazines. In 1942, Ribar was among the founders of the Unified League of Anti-Fascist Youth of Yugoslavia (USAOJ). He was killed by a German bomb in 1943 near Glamoč while boarding an airplane for Cairo, where he was to become the first representative of Communist Yugoslavia to the Middle East Command.

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